
Bem Haja

My sincere thanks go to Professor Keikichi Hirose and Dr. Md. Khademul Islam Molla for their generosity in providing me with ideas, comments, suggestions, constant support and materials.

I acknowledge the University of Tokyo and the Japanese Ministry of Education for their precious support and, last but not least, I want to express my deepest gratitude to my family and friends because life without them would be meaningless.

5 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Amigo, fico feliz por a conclusão da tese ter corrido bem!


Angelo disse...

Omedeto, Mestre!

Anónimo disse...


muitos parabéns.


Anónimo disse...

parabéns maninho!!!

Tiaguss disse...

Parabens TR!

Aquele abraço
Tiago Lages